Monday, February 27, 2012

Music Theory - Should Musicians Bother Learning It?

Plenty of people can make some music with an instrument, but that does not mean they know what they are really doing.  Everyone wants to play songs, but who wants to take the time to learn the music theory behind what they are playing?  Music theory is complicated and it will drive you nuts, but those hoping to become true musicians will learn it.  It will make a musician.
In my last post I discussed my venture into the world of learning guitar.  When I decided to take guitar lessons I  got rid of the notion that I could merely strum strings and move my fingers to be a great musician.  I realized I'd have to strum and move my mind as well.
Now, I came in to guitar lessons with a basic knowledge of theory.  I have been a music lover since childhood, so I was aware of staffs, notes, rests, time signatures, beats, measures, and what these all should mean to me.  Just knowing this has proven to help me become a better musician.  When I came into lessons, I was able to tackle more in a short amount of time simply because I knew how to read music.
Despite understanding that I was better for knowing this basic theory, I still did not imagine I would have to learn theory in-depth.  I was wrong.  In my last lesson I was presented with a chart known as the Cycle of Fourths to memorize.  The Cycle of Fourths is a chart representing the relationships between the twelve tones of the chromatic scale and their key signatures.  It sounds difficult because it is difficult.
One wonders why I would bother learning this frightening Cycle of Fourths.  I'm bothering because in the short amount of time I have begun memorizing it, I have already seen growth in my skill.  Patterns in music that were a mystery to me before are becoming clear.  Not only can I make music, but I can understand how I am making that music.  It is an inspiring feeling.  I have gone from feeling like someone who can make music to a musician.
So I would suggest to anyone with the desire to be a musician that they take the time to learn music theory.  It is difficult and frustrating learning the language of music, yes, but it is well worth it.  If you want to live the dream, you have to understand it first.

For fun and interactive lessons in music theory on the web, I suggest Ricci Adams' site.

Monday, February 20, 2012

It's Never Too Late

You know what they say - it's never too late to learn guitar!  What, they don't say that?  Well, they should start.  They do say that it's never too late to learn, and though it may indeed be harder to, you will definitely be better for having tried.
So I have decided to follow that method and start taking guitar lessons with a brilliant jazz guitarist, teacher, and friend.  I had attempted to teach myself using YouTube and other internet goodies for a few years prior, but it really isn't the same as learning from a master of the art.  If you can make it happen, I would highly suggest it.
I have consistently walked into lessons feeling nervous and walked out feeling empowered.  Not to brag (okay, to brag) but I am doing rather well.  Perhaps that is because I do have musical background, or perhaps it is because the high that I get inside from producing music in a new way manifests in talent.
We have been using Mel Bay's books, and I would highly suggest them.  They are really well done, and facilitate the learning in a way I would not have thought possible from book on the subject.  My teacher has had my partner and I start with a mix of exercises to enable dexterity and reading music.  He has also taught us some chords through songs we enjoy (like "Stand By Me" and "Something") along the way, so that we can really get into the process and enjoy it.  Yes, the exercises are important, but who doesn't want to be able to play some recognizable music?
If you have time to invest in learning and bettering yourself through an art that makes you happy, I would highly suggest that you do.  Even if you do not have the time, I would advise that you make at least some.  You will be happier for it, I assure you.  I cannot claim to have that much time to practice, definitely not half as much as I would like to, but when I am practicing my heart sings along.  It cannot compare to the high you would get from any drug.  Okay, so I have never done a drug, but practicing guitar has to be better.
Well, that argument started to go sour, but go practice guitar, or piano, or painting, or street performance or what have you.  If I haven't convinced you to, maybe this adorable picture of my cat enjoying my guitar-playing will.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Gotye: Rising to Global Fame

Last summer, I was introduced to the music of the man with the name I could not yet pronounce, the music of a man that you have almost definitely heard of by this point - Gotye.  Now, I do not want to sound like one of those people who shows off because they knew about an artist before everyone else...but I did know about Gotye before many other Americans did!
Today, however, you can't go on a social media outlet without seeing someone post one of his hits, "Somebody That I Used To Know" (featuring Kimbra) at the forefront.  This multi-talented musician with a voice that sounds like it has been sent from the gods is not just huge in Australia anymore, but has worked his way into the hearts of the rest of the world.  I have noticed people I never would have guessed would like his work posting it to Facebook or their Tumblr's.  Keep in mind, however, that I didn't think some of these people would ever have a Tumblr, either!
More recently, his music has moved from the web to radio stations here in New York.  I've had friends inform me they heard him on Q104.3 and Fresh 102.7.
Let's just say I'm glad I got (cheap) tickets to one of his shows at Webster Hall when I did!  He has already added a show in NYC, noting the desire for one by new fans.  The next time he tours and passes through the city, I'm pretty sure I'm not going to be able to get tickets so easily (and for so cheap).
How do I feel about that?  Sad that I'll have to dole out more money in order to see him, but happy that his music has now gone global.  This man deserves it.  His music makes me weep, and dance, and sing with all my might.  Other people should get to live through the experience, and he, the true talent that he is, should get to give it to them.  I'm happy for him and I'm happy for us, the listeners.
So, if you have yet to listen to Gotye, do yourself a favor and make it happen.  After you do, you may want to attempt to find a ticket to one of his shows.  I cannot express how excited I am to finally see this man.
I leave you with the first song I heard by Gotye, a song I have heard again and again and again since that first time.  This is one of those songs, and music videos, that has made me cry all of the tears.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Why I Will Not Be Joking About Whitney Houston

I consider myself someone with what could often be described as having a sick sense of humor, but I can find no reason to even think about making jokes concerning the death or life of the legendary Whitney Houston.  My family spent quite a significant amount of time listening to Whitney in the past twenty-one years of my existence.  When I heard the news, I did indeed cry, and quickly began playing her music to sob-sing-along to.  The woman epitomized the term "breath-taking."  Her supreme, raw talent was undeniable.  She had problems, addiction problems that she admitted to openly, and yet still managed to have a personality as shining as her voice.  I'd encourage anyone making fun of her to consider the anyone they know who might have an addiction problem, and understand that does not by any means make them a bad person, and certainly not one who deserves to be made fun of in death. I would then encourage them to consider that voice, consider how many times they have sung along to one of her songs, and to consider how her music has spoken to them.  As it was Whitney Houston, it is almost a definite that her music would have at some point touched your life, and for the better too.
And if that doesn't get you...well, just listening to that voice, The Voice, just might.